تصحيح خطاب OET
Mrs Lucy Clarke – Grade C+
عند كتابة خطابك، يجب عليك القيام بذلك في نفس الظروف التي كانت عليها يوم الامتحان. لذلك، نقترح عليك كتابة خطابك في الوقت المحدد. ثم أعد كتابته في مستند Word وأرسله إلينا.
تصحيح الحروف
Dr David Smith
Emergency Department
Main Hospital
Cast city
Dear doctor
Re: MRs Lucy Clarke , DOB 11/03/1951
I am writing to refer Mrs Clarke , a 64 year old female , who is presenting with symptoms and signs suggestive of unstable angina .I would be grateful if you could manage her condition as you think appropriate .
Mrs Clarke is married and retired Office Clerk .Regarding her medical history , she suffers from diabetes mellitus , hyperlipidemia and hypertension for which she has been taking Sitagliptin 100 mg morning , insulin 25 uints SC twice daily , atorvastatin 50 mg morning and irbesartan 75 mg at morning too.
- A retired (an indefinite article is required before adjectives followed by a singular noun)
- Units (spelling mistake)
- In the morning (correct preposition)
Today, Mrs Clarke complained of one week history of central chest pain associated with dyspnea and radiating to the left arm .The pain is worse on exertion and relieved by rest .However ,there is no history of palpations ,orthopnea or difficulty breathing at night .Her mother was treated for acute Myocardial infraction then she died from ischemia stroke at age of 59 year .
- In breathing (a preposition is missing)
- The last sentence should be mentioned in the third paragraph as a semi relevant issue
On examination her vital signs , systems review as well as her resting ECG all are normal .
In view of the above , I am referring this patient for admission for further management of her condition .For any queries ,please contact me .
Yours sincerely
Doctor X
نصائح شخصية لرسالتك القادمة
لتحسين نتيجتك، عليك أن:
- Your letter is not well organized. You should start with an introduction (as yours), a paragraph about main medical issue including symptoms, causes and medications, a paragraph about semi relevant issues such as family history and any other habits, a paragraph about the visit, your management plan and then your closing paragraph
- Make sure your prepositions are correct and accurate
- You need to use more tenses and more grammatical rules to enhance your score
- Revise to avoid simple mistakes
- Check your definite and indefinite articles
تعتمد أي درجة تقديرية على المعلومات التي قدمتها لنا، ومع ذلك فإن درجتك ستختلف دائمًا اعتمادًا على المهمة والظروف في وقت الكتابة.
تعليقات على النتائج
إنجاز المهمة بشكل عام – 4
لقد أظهرت القدرة على إدارة المهمة وتنظيم المعلومات بطريقة منطقية، ولكن هناك بعض الأخطاء في ترتيب المعلومات. إن الأخطاء النحوية وعدم الدقة الكبيرة لها تأثير سلبي على القارئ المستهدف في بعض الأماكن. من الواضح أنك على دراية بأسلوب الرسالة ولكنك ببساطة لا تملك سيطرة كافية على اللغة المطلوبة.
ملاءمة اللغة – 4
لقد اخترت المفردات والنبرة المناسبة بشكل عام للقارئ المستهدف والمهمة التواصلية. إن بعض الأخطاء لا تعيق التواصل. وبشكل عام، فإن الرسالة ليست منظمة بشكل جيد.
فهم التحفيز – 4
أنت تثبت فهمك للمهمة والمدخلات التي تكون دقيقة بشكل عام. يتم شرح العديد من النقاط الرئيسية بوضوح وإعطائها درجة مناسبة من الأهمية. يجب عليك تحديد المعلومات ذات الصلة وشبه ذات الصلة وغير ذات الصلة. حدد المعلومات المهمة
التحكم في السمات اللغوية (القواعد والتماسك) – 4
لقد استخدمت مجموعة من الأجهزة لتوصيل المعلومات، وهناك بعض الأخطاء فيما يتعلق بالأزمنة والمقالات والصيغة السلبية.
التحكم في ميزات العرض (التهجئة والترقيم والتخطيط) - 4
لقد اخترت تخطيطًا جيدًا، ولكن هناك بعض الأخطاء في علامات الترقيم وأخطاء تكوين الكلمات
إجابات نموذجية
ستجد مجموعة كبيرة من الإجابات النموذجية على الإنترنت، ولكن قد يُطلب منك الانضمام إلى مجموعة مختارة من مجموعات Facebook لذلك. ومع ذلك، فإننا نضيف بعض الأمثلة إلى موقعنا الإلكتروني (بانتظام) ويمكنك العثور عليها من خلال الرابط(الروابط) التالي(ة):
الدواء: https://oetspeaking.com/oetwriting/oet-letter-writing/medicine/
مواد إضافية
ولمساعدتك على التحسن بشكل أكبر، يسعدنا أن نقدم لك رابطين للمعلومات التي ستضمن لك المزيد من الوعي بمهمة كتابة خطاب اختبار OET.
ستجد دليل كتابة OET في هذا الرابط: https://oetspeaking.com/oetwriting/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/OET_Writing_Guide.pdf
بالإضافة إلى نصائح عامة حول كتابة خطاب اختبار OET في هذا الرابط: https://oetspeaking.com/oetwriting/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/OET-Letter-General-Tips.pdf
أي أسئلة
ستجد مجموعة كبيرة من الإجابات النموذجية على الإنترنت، ولكن قد يُطلب منك ذلك؛ يرجى التفكير في الانضمام إلى مجموعتنا على Facebook للحصول على المساعدة: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oetwritingcorrectionservice/
ستجد مجموعة كبيرة من نماذج الإجابات على الموقع الرسمي لاختبار OET. أقترح عليك تصفح الموقع.
إرسال الرسائل
إرسال الرسائل: نرحب بإرسال جميع رسائل OET للتصحيح عبر البريد الإلكتروني إلى عنوان بريد إلكتروني مخصص خصيصًا على المهام@macscottech.com.
نحن بحاجة إلى التأكيد على أنه يتعين عليك تضمين بعض المعلومات المهمة في البريد الإلكتروني، وهي: معرف الطلب، ورقم الرسالة، ونوع الخدمة واسمك.
وهنا مثال:
78901، 2، قياسي، محمد يوسف.
إنه بهذه البساطة!
بموجب النظام الجديد، سوف تتلقى ردًا تلقائيًا عامًا خلال بضع دقائق من استلام بريدك الإلكتروني.
لا تترددوا في إرسال رسائلكم واحدة تلو الأخرى أو جميعها في نفس الوقت، القرار لكم.
عدم إرسال خطابك بالمعلومات المذكورة أعلاه في البريد الإلكتروني
سيؤدي ذلك إلى عدم معالجة خطابك للتصحيح.
درس قواعد اللغة
Prepositions are a difficult area of language to fully master as their usage is not governed by strict rules. The best way to learn prepositions is by regular reading so that you can slowly absorb and become comfortable with their correct use. However, it is possible to memorise the correct use of a selection of prepositions in order to use them accurately in writing the referral letter.
Prepositions of Time
In: In is used for longer periods of time | On: On is used for days and dates and some time expressions | At: At is used for the time of day and for some expressions | Some words require no preposition |
In November In Spring In 2006 In the past In the future In the morning In the afternoon In her childhood In his twenties | On Monday On 20 November On Christmas day On his birthday On review On examination On investigation On presentation On two occasions | At 6 o’clock At night At lunchtime At that time At the moment At the age of 45 At birth | Yesterday Today Tomorrow Last week This week Next week |
Prepositions of Place
In: In is used for inside of something | On: is used for the surface area of something | At: At is used for a place of activity |
In Australia In hospital In surgery In the stomach | On the skin On the ground floor | At home At work At the wound site At the clinic |
Common Errors
غير صحيح | صحيح |
His father died of cancer during the age of 50. | His father died of cancer at the age of 50. |
In examination today, the patient was anxious and distressed. | On examination today, the patient was anxious and distressed. |
Initial examination on today revealed inflammed gums. | Initial examination today revealed inflammed gums. |
On December 2006, the patient had his wisdom teeth removed. | In December 2006, the patient had his wisdom teeth removed. |
The patient’s family arrived at Australia in last year. | The patient’s family arrived in Australia last year. |
Articles Usage with Countable & Uncountable Nouns
Whether an article is required or not depends on the noun that follows. For this purpose nouns can be classified into two types: countable & uncountable nouns. The difference is based on whether the noun can be counted or not. For example, complaint is a countable noun as it can be counted. Therefore, it is possible to say 1 complaint or 2 complaints. Advice on the other hand cannot be counted so it is not possible to say 1 advice or 2 advices , The correct expression is some/any advice or the expression a piece of advice.
Countable nouns
These nouns have a singular form and plural form.
In the singular form an article is usually used before the noun. Example: The doctor received a complaint from her patient.
- Exceptions: The article can be left out if it is replaced with another determiner such as his/her or this /that or any/each/every. E.g. The doctor listened to each complaint. Her complaint was recorded.
In the plural form the article is usually not used before the noun. Example: The doctor received complaints from her patients.
Remember: Always use articles when referring a particular job such as: doctor/dentist/nurse/pharmacist/physiotherapist/teacher etc etc.
Countable nouns | Singular form Note the use of an article before each noun in singular form, either as a/an/the | Plural form Note the absence of the indefinite articles a/an before each noun in singular form, but the definite article |
abscess | The patient had an abscess on her gum. | The patient had 3 abscesses on her gum. |
ache | The patient reported a dull ache in her abdomen. | The patient suffered from aches and pains. |
accountant | Mr. Hagen is an accountant. | Mr. & Mrs. Hagen are both accountants. |
appointment | A follow-up appointment was scheduled. | The patient did not attend her follow-up appointments. |
cavity | The cavity was exposed. | The cavities were exposed. |
check up | The patient attended for a check-up. | Regular check-ups will keep you healthy. |
complaint | If you have a complaint, tell your doctor. | If you have any complaints, tell your doctor. |
condition | You have a condition known as tuberculosis. | There are 3 conditions which can indicate the presence of cancer. |
deposit | A carious deposit was evident on tooth 32. | Carious deposits were evident on teeth 32 & 33. |
doctor | The patient has not seen a doctor for several years. | Three doctors were involved in the treatment of the patient. |
episode | The patient had an episode of heart flutter. | The patient reported 3 episodes of heart flutter. |
examination | An examination is necessary to rule out cancer. | Blood urine examinations revealed no abnormalities |
gum | The gum surrounding tooth 23 was inflamed. | The gums were infected. |
increase | There was an increase in the size of the swelling. | The patient presented with numerous swellings. |
interpreter | An interpreter is required. | Interpreters will be required. |
investigation | An investigation is required to rule out bowel cancer. | Investigations are required to rule out bowel cancer. |
limp | The patient walked with a limp. | All the patients had limps. |
parasite | The threadworm is a parasite | Threadworms are parasites. |
lip | The patient had a swollen lip. (one lip) | The patient had swollen lips. (both lips) |
smoker | She is a smoker. | They are smokers. |
operation | An operation is necessary. | Two operations are necessary. |
painkiller | The patient requested a painkiller. | Painkillers are not necessary with this procedure. |
physiotherapist | An appointment needs to be a arranged with a physiotherpist. | Two physiotherapists work at this rehabiliation centre. |
result | The patient hoped for a positive result. | The results were positive. |
review | A review was scheduled after 2 weeks. | The nurse received positive reviews from her patients. |
sensation | The patient reported a tingling sensation in his fingers. | The patient experience tingling sensations in his fingers. |
social worker | A social worker has been arranged to offer ongoing care. | Two social workers have been arranged to offer ongoing care. |
teacher | Steve is a teacher. | Steve and Chris are teachers. |
test | A blood test was ordered. | Blood and urine tests were ordered. |
visit | Please organise a visit by a social worker. | Regular visits by a social worker is required. |
Uncountable nouns
These nouns cannot take a plural form such as: cancer, anaesthesia and information. For these words no article is required. However, the definite article the as well as quantifiers such as some and any can be used before the noun.
Uncountable nouns | Indefinite articles cannot be used with uncountable nouns. However definite article “the” as well as quantifiers such as some and any can be used. |
accommodation | The patient lives in rental accommodation. |
advice | Advice on diet is requested. |
assistance | The patient will require assistance upon discharge. |
attention | The patient requires urgent attention. |
behaviour | On examination, the patient’s behaviour was abnormal. |
cancer | The patient has cancer. |
caries | Deep caries were present on several teeth. |
concentration | The patient has poor concentration. |
damage | The scan confirmed damage to the medial cartilage. |
discomfort | If you experience discomfort, please consult your doctor. |
information | Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. |
pain | The patient experienced pain on palapation. |
progress | The patient has made good progress. |
tissue | She has healthy, soft tissue. |
treatment | The condition did not respond to treatment. |
research | Further research is required. |
surgery | The patient chose not to have surgery. |
Common mistakes
غير صحيح | صحيح |
Wound on her left knee has been stitched. | |
I am writing to refer Marvin, 7 year old boy who was admitted to hospital on 21/11/10. | |
Mr Brown has been patient of mine for 7 years. | |
Please note, the patient has had prosthetic heart valve for year. | |
Examination revealed abscess on her gum. | |
Apart from bruises to her body, X-rays reveal that she has fracture of the right ankle. | |
Mr Jones had a heart surgery in 2009. | |
The patient has a cancer. | |
She had a healthy soft tissue. | |
He had lacerated lip and swollen gum. | |
The patient has pollen allergy. | |
The patient has tender right elbow joint. | |
The patient presented for regular check-up on 12/2/10. | |
A wound on her left hand has been stitched. | |
I am writing to refer Marvin, a 7 year old boy who was admitted to hospital on 21/11/09. | |
Mr Brown has been a patient of mine for 7 years. | |
Please note, the patient has had a prosthetic heart valve for a year | |
Examination revealed an abscess on her gum. | |
Apart from bruises to her body, X-rays reveal that she has a fracture of the right ankle. | |
Mr Jones had heart surgery in 2009. | |
The patient has cancer. | |
She had healthy soft tissue. | |
He had a lacerated lip and swollen gums. | |
The patient has a pollen allergy | |
The patient has a tender right elbow joint. | |
The patient presented for a regular check-up on 12/2/10. |